Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Thursday, 6 March 2025


10.00 am Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes




East Sussex County Council Members

Councillors Sam Adeniji, Abul Azad, Colin Belsey (Chair), Sorrell Marlow-Eastwood, Sarah Osborne, Christine Robinson (Vice Chair) and Alan Shuttleworth



District and Borough Council Members

Councillor Dr Kathy Ballard, Eastbourne Borough Council

Councillor Mike Turner, Hastings Borough Council

Councillor Christine Brett, Lewes District Council

Councillor Terry Byrne, Rother District Council

Councillor Graham Shaw, Wealden District Council



Voluntary Sector Representatives

Jennifer Twist, VCSE Alliance

Vacancy, VSCE Alliance







Minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2024  (Pages 5 - 16)





Apologies for absence 





Disclosures of interests 

Disclosures by all members present of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the member regards the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct.





Urgent items  

Notification of items which the Chair considers to be urgent and proposes to take at the appropriate part of the agenda. Any members who wish to raise urgent items are asked, wherever possible, to notify the Chair before the start of the meeting. In so doing, they must state the special circumstances which they consider justify the matter being considered urgent.





Access to NHS Dentistry Services  (Pages 17 - 24)





Ophthalmology Transformation at ESHT  (Pages 25 - 52)





South East Coast Ambulance Foundation NHS Trust (SECAmb) - Update Report  (Pages 53 - 78)





HOSC Review of Audiology Services in East Sussex  (Pages 79 - 114)





HOSC future work programme  (Pages 115 - 118)





Any other items previously notified under agenda item 4 







Deputy Chief Executive 

County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent

LEWES BN7 1UE                                                                                                       26 February 2025


Contact Martin Jenks, Senior Scrutiny Adviser,

01273 481327





Next HOSC meeting:             10am, Thursday, 26 June 2025, County Hall, Lewes


NOTE: As part of the County Council’s drive to increase accessibility to its public meetings, this meeting will be broadcast live on its website and the record archived. The live broadcast is accessible at:




Map, directions and information on parking, trains, buses etc

Map of County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes BN7 1UE


Location of County Hall in LewesD


County Hall is situated to the west of Lewes town centre. Main roads into Lewes are the A275 Nevill Road, the A2029 Offham Road and the A26 from Uckfield and Tunbridge Wells. The A27 runs through the South of the town to Brighton in the West, and Eastbourne and Hastings in the East. Station Street links Lewes train station to the High Street.

Visitor parking instruction

Visitor parking is situated on the forecourt at County Hall – please ensure you only park in this bay

If we have reserved a space for you, upon arrival press the buzzer on the intercom at the barrier and give your name. This will give you access to the forecourt.

Visitors are advised to contact Patrick Major on 01273 335133 a couple of days before the meeting to arrange a space. Email:

By train

There is a regular train service to Lewes from London Victoria, as well as a coastal service from Portsmouth, Chichester & Brighton in the West and Ashford, Hastings & Eastbourne in the East, and Seaford and Newhaven in the South.

To get to County Hall from Lewes station, turn right as you leave by the main exit and cross the bridge. Walk up Station Street and turn left at the top of the hill into the High Street. Keep going straight on – County Hall is about 15 minutes walk, at the top of the hill. The main pedestrian entrance to the campus is behind the Parish Church of St Anne, via the lane next to the church.


By bus

The following buses stop near County Hall:

28/29 – Brighton, Ringmer, Uckfield, Tunbridge Wells

128 – Nevill Estate

121 – South Chailey, Chailey, Newick, Fletching

123 – Newhaven, Peacehaven

125 – Barcombe, Cooksbridge, Glynde, Alfriston

166 – Haywards Heath

824 – Plumpton, Ditchling, Hassocks, Burgess Hill.

Travelling from the east get off at Pelham Arms pub and take the path through St Anne’s churchyard to County Hall. From the west get off at the Black Horse pub and cross the road to County Hall. The main pedestrian entrance to the campus is behind the Parish Church of St Anne, via the lane next to the church.


Disabled access

There is ramp access to main reception and there are lifts to all floors. Disabled toilets are available on the ground floor.


Disabled parking

Disabled drivers are able to park in any available space if they are displaying a blue badge. There are spaces available directly in front of the entrance to County Hall. There are also disabled bays in the east car park.




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